So you want the best phones for Straight Talk Spring 2018? Here's what our staff thinks are the current best ones: 3- Straight Talk iPhone 6 Plus 2- Straight Talk Samsung Galaxy S7 1- Straight Talk Samsung Galaxy S8+ See our full review below.
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The iPhone 6+ plus for Straight Talk
Editor Overall rating: 3.9/5 Stars
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The Samsung Galaxy S7 for Straight Talk is, also one of our favorite devices for 2018. Here are some of the high points:
Editor Overall rating: 4.2/5 Stars
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The Galaxy S8+ Plus for Straight Talk is our editor's pick Best Phone for Straight Talk in 2018.
Editor Overall rating: 4.7/5 Stars
I sincerely hope this list of the best phones for Straight Talk 2018 has been helpful to you! If you have questions or need assistance, Please leave a comment below or do drop us a line: CLICK HERE TO MESSAGE US